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Tattoo Consent Form

The purpose of this form is to ensure you are able and suitable to be tattooed. Please be aware none of the information given is passed on to any third parties and is kept confidential. For the safety and security of Ace of Spades Tattoo, its team members and customers the studio and its surroundings are monitored by CCTV. Where there is history of any allergic reaction we would advise spot testing of tattoo ink 24 hours prior to the tattoo.

Please answer the medical questionnaire below, select a box that relates to your current medical situation, if 'none' please select 'None of the above'

Consent to Tattoo Procedure
I acknowledge by signing this agreement that I have been given the full opportunity to ask any and all questions which I might have about the obtaining of a tattoo and that all of my questions have been answered to my full satisfaction. I specifically  acknowledge I have been advised of the facts and matters set forth and I agree as follows:
I do not have a medical or skin conditions such as but not limited to acne, scarring (Keloid), eczema, psoriasis, freckles, moles or sunburn in the area to be tattooed that may interfere with said tattoo. If I have any type of infections or rash anywhere on my body, I will advise my tattooer. 
I acknowledge it is not reasonably possible for the representatives and employees of this tattoo shop to determine whether I might have an allergic reaction to the pigments or processes used in my tattoo, and I acknowledge that such a reaction is possible.
I acknowledge that infection is always possible as a result of obtaining of a tattoo, particularly in the event that I do not take proper care of my tattoo. I have received aftercare instructions and I agree to to follow them while my tattoo is healing. 
I agree that any touch-up work needed, due to my own negligence will be done at my own expense.
I realize that variations in colour and design may exist between any tattoo as selected by me and as ultimately applied to my body. I understand that if my skin colour is dark, the colours will not appear as bright as they do on light skin. I understand that tattooing certain areas of the body may be more likely to result in natural reactions such as, but not limited : bleeding ink, keloid scarring or warping which may affect the final appearance of the tattoo. 
I acknowledge that only I who signs my consent to this procedure is allowed to enter the procedure area.
I understand that if I have any skin treatments, laser hair removal, plastic surgery or other skin altering procedures, it may result in adverse changes to the tattoo. 
I acknowledge that a tattoo is a permanent change to my appearance and that no representations have been made to me as to the ability to later change or remove my tattoo. To my knowledge, I do not have a physical, mental or medical impairment or disability, which may affect my well being as a direct result of my decision to have a tattoo.
I understand that the studio operates as an inclusive, hate-free space and enforces a zero-tolerance policy for discriminatative or abusive speech or behaviour of any kind. I understand that my session will be terminated immediately and I will be asked to leave the tattoo shop if this policy is breached.
I acknowledge I am over the age of eighteen and that I have truthfully represented to my tattooer that the obtaining of a tattoo is my choice alone. I consent to the application of the tattoo and to any action or conduct of the representative and employees of the tattoo shop reasonably necessary to perform the tattoo procedure.

Under GDPR, Ace of Spades Tattoo will respect your privacy and be the sole user of the details you provide in order to provide you a safe tattoo experience.

Thanks for submitting!

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